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The Global Expansion Strategy and Successful Fan Meetings of Boy Group POW: Opening New Horizons in K-pop

by BMPLUS 2024. 3. 29.

Boy Group POW


The K-pop industry has seen spectacular growth over the past few years, at the heart of which are idol groups that have built a global fandom with their outstanding talents and creative marketing strategies. The newly attention-grabbing boy group, POW, is also opening new horizons in K-pop as part of their global strategy, having successfully completed fan meetings and performances in Japan and Thailand.


A Successful Start in Japan: POW HOUSE in Tokyo

In 2024, POW hosted their first solo fan meeting titled 'POW HOUSE in Tokyo' in Tokyo. This event signaled the beginning of their international ventures, laying the groundwork for a global fandom through various performances and interactions with local fans. This successful start in Japan proves that POW is ready to extend beyond the domestic market and reach out to the world.


Thailand Performance: Continuing Global Expansion

Following their success in Japan, POW is preparing for a performance of the same name, 'POW HOUSE in Bangkok', in Thailand. This upcoming performance in Thailand will be an important milestone in POW’s journey as a global artist. They are ready to take another leap forward, building on the experience of engaging with local fans during their debut solo performance and participating in various international festivals.


Growth Potential in the Global Market

POW’s global ventures showcase the potential for the group to become a notable artist in the global market, beyond just being an idol group. The global popularity of K-pop was not achieved overnight, and the consistent efforts and strategic international activities of groups like POW are solidifying its foundation.


Paving the Future of K-pop

POW’s strategy for global expansion and successful performances are positive signals for the future of the K-pop industry. Through continuous international activities and interactions with local fans, POW will play a significant role in opening new horizons in K-pop. The global fan community is eagerly anticipating POW’s next moves, and their success will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the K-pop industry as a whole.