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Sports Star Brand Reputation Rankings for April 2024 Analyzed

by BMPLUS 2024. 4. 25.

Son Heung-min


The results of the sports star brand reputation data analysis for April 2024 have been announced. Soccer player Son Heung-min took the top spot, followed by Lee Jung-hoo and Kim Ha-seong. The Korea Corporate Reputation Research Institute analyzed 53,962,471 pieces of brand big data over the past month to reach these results, which is a 12.08% decrease compared to the previous month.


The brand reputation index measures the impact of consumers' online behaviors on brand consumption, including their engagement and communication, as well as media attention, reflecting the positive or negative evaluations of sports stars. This evaluation particularly emphasized analyzing the relationships between sports figures and consumers.


According to this analysis, Son Heung-min maintained his top-ranking position with stable performances and high media attention. Lee Jung-hoo and Kim Ha-seong also ranked high due to their outstanding performances in their respective sports.


The sports star brand reputation index is an important indicator showing how athletes enhance their value across various fields. Sports stars who garner consumer interest and media attention play a significant role in increasing brand value.


Such analysis helps understand which factors positively or negatively affect brand reputation for athletes and is also crucial for developing marketing strategies. This data analysis will continue to serve as essential foundational material for sports marketing strategies in the future.