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Join the Movement to Protect Our Home, Earth

by BMPLUS 2024. 4. 3.

"Our Home, Earth"


The Earth is our shared home. Thus, preserving its beauty and marvel is a precious responsibility and an essential mission for all of us. Based on this belief, Disney Korea, in partnership with National Geographic, is rolling out the "Our Home, Earth" campaign. This initiative, coinciding with Earth Month in April, focuses on nature and environmental conservation, suggesting concrete actions we can all take to contribute to the protection of our planet.


Love for the Earth Starts with Plogging

One of the key activities of the "Our Home, Earth" campaign is the plogging event. Plogging refers to the environmental practice of picking up trash while jogging. Participants can share their efforts on social media using the hashtag #OurHomeEarth, facilitating communication with others. This activity goes beyond merely cleaning up the environment; it can lead to greater changes through cooperation with local communities.


Documentaries Capturing the Beauty of Earth

To commemorate this campaign, Disney+ plans to introduce new documentary series, including "The Secret of the Octopus." These series will highlight the beauty of Earth's diverse life forms and emphasize the immense value of what we must protect. Through these series, we can raise awareness of the diversity and wonder of life on Earth.


Change Through Participation

The "Our Home, Earth" campaign demonstrates that individual participation and action can lead to significant changes. By taking part in this campaign, we can take positive steps toward protecting our planet. Visiting the official social media channels of Disney and National Geographic will provide more detailed information about the campaign and how to get involved.


The "Our Home, Earth" campaign emphasizes the importance of protecting nature and the environment and offers everyone specific ways to participate. Through this campaign, we are reminded that small changes for the Earth can have a large impact. Let's act now and contribute to protecting our collective home.