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Participation Guide for the "Green Hwaseong Environmental Bicycle March"

by BMPLUS 2024. 4. 9.

Participation Guide for the "Green Hwaseong Environmental Bicycle March"


Protecting the environment goes beyond just practicing recycling in our daily lives or reducing unnecessary electricity usage. Hosted by the city of Hwaseong, the "15th Green Hwaseong Environmental Bicycle March" aims to spread the importance of environmental protection and raise awareness within the community. On April 20th, we have the opportunity to take small steps towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions and protecting our planet.


March Details

  • Date: April 20th, starting at 9 AM
  • Location: Around Dongtan Central Park
  • Course: Approximately 10km, starting and finishing at Dongtan Central Park
  • Eligibility: Anyone aged 8 and above
  • Participation Fee: Free
  • Application Period: Until next month 12th
  • How to Apply: Through the Green Hwaseong Environmental March official website


Purpose of the Event

This event focuses on recognizing the severity of the climate crisis and exploring concrete ways each of us can contribute to environmental protection. The bicycle march, by utilizing bicycles, conveys the importance of reducing carbon dioxide emissions through tangible actions. Additionally, the event aims to strengthen community consciousness about environmental protection and encourage a sustainable lifestyle.


Event Highlights

The march isn’t just about cycling from one point to another. Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy various side events and activities, including environmental protection experience booths and disabled sports experience booths, allowing the whole family to have fun together. These experiences will demonstrate how environmental protection can be practiced in our daily lives.


The Importance of Participation

By participating in the "Green Hwaseong Environmental Bicycle March," you are reminded of how crucial our efforts towards environmental protection are. This event will reinforce our responsibility towards the environment and serve as an opportunity to take small steps towards a sustainable future. We await your active participation in this march alongside the city of Hwaseong.


Fighting against the climate crisis is a responsibility we all share. The "Green Hwaseong Environmental Bicycle March" is one way to act on this responsibility. Through this event, we hope to heighten awareness about environmental protection and that all of us can contribute to positive changes for our planet.